Next up in the progress towards our ultimate geek wedding are the wedding invitations! Not content with plain old paper invitations my fiancée Mara and I smashed our geeky heads together to come up with a design that keeps with our circuits and swirls theme. We decided to be more literal, by putting actual circuits into our invitations! However, time spent on design, production and cost...
[TC] Electronics Engineers Wedding Invitation Card
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 2:31:00 PM
with 21 comments
[TC] Breathalyzer circuit using 8051
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 6:10:00 PM
with No comments
Alcohol Breathalyzer circuit using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89S51).
This article is about a breathalyzer circuit using 8051 microcontroller which outputs the blood alcohol content (BAC) from the breath. The BAC is displayed in percentage on a 3 digit seven segment display. The microcontroller used if AT89S51 which belongs to the 8051 family and the alcohol sensor is MQ135 gas sensor from Futurelec.