Here is a remote operated spy robot
circuit which can be controlled by using a wireless remote controller.
It can capture audio and video information’s from the surroundings and
can be sent to a remote station through RF signals. The maximum range is
125 meters. It overcomes the limited range of infrared remote
controllers. This robot consists of mainly two sections. They are
explained in...
[TC] ExpeditInvaders Shelf -Arduino Based LED Lighting Shelf
Posted by Admin
Posted on 11:28:00 PM
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Currently ExpeditInvaders support 10 color sets (RGB, Rasta, CGA, Brazil, Fizz, Kitty, Neon, Lantern, Lemming, LeBron) and 6 animation modes (Random, Solid, Ordered, Checkboard, Weird, Weirdtwo). The best thing about ExpeditInvaders is, that you can use your feets
to change the color set or animation mode. Under the shelf is a PS2
keyboard attached. The keyboard has a special key...
[TC] Haunted House Sound Effects Machine(Rasberry Pie)
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 11:58:00 PM
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People have been asking me about interesting applications for the Raspberry Pi, and whether Raspberry Pi is an Arduino killer of some sort. The answer to the second question is no; in fact it is an Arduino augmenter. This blog post answers the first question with another question: how about a Haunted House sound effects machine?
A new revision of the Early Release of Getting Started with...
Audio Circuits,
sound application
[TC] Connect Raspberry Pi to Projector or TV
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 10:35:00 PM
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When we have a meeting in a meeting room, we need to connect our laptop to a projector to show our desktop. But sometimes, several persons need to show their desktop, they need to change their laptop. This is complex and waste some time.
Currently, we have some mobile project, they are can be run in android/ios system. Before publish the project, we need to demo it to our team members or...
Cable TV Circuits,
[TC] Google Glass in Helmet Form
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 10:25:00 PM
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A Motorcyclist's Dream: Google Glass in Helmet Form
Using high-tech dashboards, drivers can reference navigation systems and voice control in the comfort of a quiet car, but motorcyclists still don't have an effective, high-tech solution. Referencing maps requires a roadside stop, and GPS systems can be distracting.
Now, the team at LiveMap is looking to fund a project that...
augmented reality,
Technology News
Raspberry Pie History
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 12:19:00 PM
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Hello TC fans From Today onward We Are Going To Explain to About The Latest Module Discovered In Electronics History Called As " RASPBERRY Pie" And The Projects Based On It...
DeveloperRaspberry Pi Foundation
TypeSingle-board computer
Release date29 February 2012
Introductory priceUS$ 25 (model A) and US$ 35 (model B)
Operating systemLinux (Raspbian, Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora,...
Technology News
[Tc] Google To Use 'Wireless Balloons' To Deliver Wi-Fi
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 11:26:00 AM
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Google will reportedly use Air balloons and satellites to provide Internet access to under-served countries.
It is interesting that Google is planning to build wireless networks around the world in emerging markets such as Africa and Asia, but what’s more interesting is how the web giant plans to deploy this plan. The company is actually planning to offer Wi-Fi in these areas by using balloons....
Technology News,
[TC] Secure Digital Access System using iButton
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:59:00 PM
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Access control forms a vital link in a security chain. Here we describe a secure digital access system using iButton that allows only authorised persons to access a restricted area.
The iButton is used here as a key to the access control system. Its unique identification (ID) number is used for authorisation. On detection of an authorised iButton, the system allows access. Thereafter, an automated...
Digital Electronics,
Security And Safety,
[TC] Multiutility flash light
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 3:44:00 PM
with 1 comment
Multiutility flash light
This multiutility flash light consists of three sections: a flasher, a sound-to-light display and a white LED-based flashlight.The flasher circuit (Fig. 1) is built around an NE555 timer IC that is wired as an astable multivibrator. It flashes a pair of LEDs alternatively. The frequency of the astable multivibrator can be varied...
Light Related,
Lighting Circuits,
sound application