This article illustrates the construction and working of a liquid/water level indicator. Such an indicator is used in tanks to indicate the level of liquids and alert us when the tank is full. So by this circuit we can monitor the various levels of the tank and can avoid spillage of water and also we can configure our supplies according to the various levels of tank. Such module or circuit...
[TC] Water Level Indicator with Alarm using 8051 Micro controller (AT89C51)
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 7:52:00 PM
with 21 comments
[TC] Bicycle Theft Guard
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 3:14:00 PM
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This antitheft device for bicycles is inexpensive and can be constructed easily using a few components.At the heart of the circuit is a wheel rotation detector, realised using a DC micro motor. For the purpose, you can use the micromotor (spindle motor) of a discarded local CD deck mechanism. With a little skill and patience, you can easily attach a small metallic pulley covered with a rubber washer...
555 Timer IC,
Bicycle Gurad,
Power Supplies,
Servo Motors
[TC] Building an analog meter clock with Atmel and Adafruit
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 11:18:00 PM
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“We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough to fit into any project – and low cost enough to use without hesitation,” Adafruit’s Limor Fried (aka LadyAda) explained. “[It is] perfect for when you don’t want to give up your expensive dev-board and you aren’t willing to take apart the project you worked so hard to design.”
Although the Trinket launched in September, the...
[TC] "Biocrats BharatOvation 2013" Organised By University Of Pune on 10th and 11th Dec, 2013.
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 6:10:00 PM
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Objectives of Event:
Creation of a platform in India for visionary Innovators, Industrial Houses, Venture Capitalists, Angle investors, Govt. policy makers, Scientists and Technocrats to discuss innovations, especially aimed at the bottom of the pyramid, with regards to funding and further technology development possibilities.
Provide a unique platform to grass-root innovators to showcase...
Project Ideas,
Technology News
[TC] Circuit for Over-Voltage Protection
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 3:45:00 PM
with 1 comment
Over-voltage protection circuits are used to protect voltage-sensitive loads. Voltage transients may occur due to a number of reasons such as transformer switching, load switching, and short/open circuit in rectifier and regulator circuit. Such transients can affect proper functioning of an electronic circuit or even damage it. Hence it is necessary to use an over-voltage protection circuit to protect...
[TC] Ascent Engineering Mastermind Contest
Posted by Admin
Posted on 11:48:00 PM
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Ascent is India's most widely circulated and read recruitment supplement. It is focused on Career Development, Human Resource Development, Employment and Job Opportunities. The supplement has 23 national editions, nearly 75 lakh+ readers, over 400+ companies advertising nearly 5000+ jobs every week. All the jobs published in the supplement are also posted online on
[TC] DIY Auto-Balancing Surface using Servo Motors
Posted by Admin
Posted on 6:57:00 PM
with 1 comment

Using a touch screen, these DIYers built an self balancing surface which automatically tilts itself based upon the position of any object placed upon it. In the video demo, the surface automatically adjusts to the ball, keeping it directly the the center of the screen, reacting quickly when the object is manipulated.
As you can see in the video, the screen outputs data...
[TC] Receipt Printer With Raspberry-Pie
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 1:35:00 PM
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In the future, everything will be connected to the internet.
And all restaurants will be Taco Bell!
The idea of pervasive connections between physical objects and the online world.
These connected devices don’t just idly sit around waiting for commands or files.
They’re active agents that anticipate your needs and can push
or pull data from the internet.
Our Internet...
Piccolo – The ‘Sketching’ Robot
Posted by Admin
Posted on 12:23:00 AM
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Piccolo can be said as the perfect companion for a graphic designer or an engineer as it helps him to sketch his creativity. Piccolo is a small pocket sized robot which uses servo mechanism for developing and deploying the accurate 2D or 3D output. Like all other robots, this one also works according to CNC technology. CNC is the acronym of Computer Numerical Control. Here the...
Technology News
Tutorial: Making Solar Cell Using 2N3055 Transistor
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 10:26:00 AM
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This video unveils the fact that a silicon diode is quite similar to a solar cell. To prove this, it takes apart a 2N3055 power transistor to produce 1.6 milliwatts. Watch the video for a great tutorial on creating a transistor solar cell.
It's easy to cut open a power transistor like the 2N3055 to expose the NPN silicon material inside to make a solar cell. When exposed to sunlight,...
[TC] Finally time for Smart Watches and Wearable Computing
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:41:00 PM
with 2 comments

Long ago, in a far off land some of us will remember where the days of a smart watch and wearable computing was a digital giant of a watch that incorporated functions such as a calculator and alarm in a device that obliterated much of your wrist but was a cool gadget to show off to your friends.
Today’s smart watches may not at first glance be that different, yet despite being around for the...
augmented reality,
Technology News,
[TC] Test Mains Voltage Wireless
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 2:25:00 PM
with 2 comments

This circuit can be used to test whether mains voltage is present or not without having electric contact with mains line. The CMOS IC CD4033 is the heart of this circuit. The CD4033 consists of a 5 stage decade Johnson counter and an output decoder for converting the Johnson code to a 7 segment decoded output for driving 7 segment LED display. A 10cm long insulated copper wire connected...
Infrared Illuminator Made With LEDs
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:48:00 PM
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Figure 1
As infrared LED array came up with technology and state of the art electronic and optical components that will bring us the ultimate in day and night vision efficiency and high power infrared output.
This can be started by calculating how much infrared radiation you will need in order to light your scene that would be the focal range of your camera since details are...
Jet engine sound generator
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:42:00 PM
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This jet engine sound generator circuit is based on the sound generator IC HT2844P from Holtek Semiconductors. This particular IC can make four sounds namely low speed sound of jet engine, high speed sound of jet engine, missile sound and machine gun sound. Each of these sounds can be activated by connecting the pins 12, 13, 14and 15 to ground by using the respective push button switches....
[TC] Electronics Engineers Wedding Invitation Card
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 2:31:00 PM
with 21 comments
Next up in the progress towards our ultimate geek wedding are the wedding invitations! Not content with plain old paper invitations my fiancée Mara and I smashed our geeky heads together to come up with a design that keeps with our circuits and swirls theme. We decided to be more literal, by putting actual circuits into our invitations! However, time spent on design, production and cost...