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Arduino Based Project Ideas (Top 40)

Arduino Based Project Ideas (Top 40)
Make a Simple Wall Avoiding Robot Basic LED Cube – Learn to Make LED Cubes How To Smell Pollutants XBee Wireless Accelerometer Breathalyzer Microphone Control Servo Motors with the Wii Mote Joystick Lo-fi Arduino Guitar Pedal Positional Memory with a Servo Miniature Pocket Piano Dirt Simple POV LED Display see also Wireless POV How to Build a Self Balancing Segway-like Robot Website Visitor...

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
1. Introduction:We are witnessing a huge interest for wireless devices (phones and PDAs) and services especially from professionals and people “on the move”. The Short Message Service (SMS), or paging, can be considered as a significant market success either for business or entertainment purposes. The ability to exchange SMS messages provides the convenience of being able to reach anyone anytime...

Wireless Netowrks Wi-Max The Latest Technology

Wireless Netowrks Wi-Max The Latest Technology
WiMAX is an acronym that stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMAX is a wireless metropolitan area network (MAN) technology that can connect IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) hotspots with each other and to other parts of the Internet. It can provide a wireless alternative to cable and DSL for last mile (last km) broadband access. WiMAX is the wireless solution for the next step up in scale,...

Embedded Systems Overview

Embedded Systems Overview
Embed means hidden , Similar word :Small Glass planes are embeded over the compound walls.But coming to electronics, this is a electronic system which is hidden inside a device ,whose identity is not shown to the outside world,and involve in a perticular single application. May be from remote controller to spaceship.Everywhere we see embedded, your scroll mouse is a embedded device.Very good example...

8051 Micro-controller based Robotic Car

8051 Micro-controller based Robotic Car
Robotic Car is a miniature prototype car powered by batteries whose various movements can be control either manually or automatically, or the combination of both.  Here the command is given through keyboard; it would have been better if we used IR remote control or something of that kind rather than using keyboard for commanding. However, by realizing the complexities we have made simple using...

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