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Remote controlled appliance switch circuit

Remote controlled appliance switch circuit
Description. Here is a versatile remote controlled appliance switch that can ON or OFF any appliance connected to it using a TV remote.  IR remote sensor IC TSOP 1738 is used for recieving the signal. Normally when no signal is falling on IC3 the output of it will be high.This makes Q1 OFF.When a signal of 38 KHz from the TV remote falls on the IC3 its output goes low.This makes Q1 conduct...

Transistor intercom circuit.

Transistor intercom circuit.
Description.Here is a simple but effective intercom circuit that is based fully on transistors.The circuit is based on a three stage RC coupled amplifier. When the pushbutton S2 is pressed, the amplifier circuit wired around T1 & T2 becomes an astable multivibrator and starts producing the ringing signals. These ringing signals will be amplified by the transistor T3 to drive the speaker. When...

Night security light

Night security light
Description.Here is a simple circuit switches on a light around 2 hours after midnight, the time at which most of the robberies taking place.This simple circuit is build around a CMOS IC 4060 to obtain the required timing. During day time the LDR has low resistance and keeps the pin 12 of the IC1 high, preventing the IC1 from oscillating. When it is dark the LDR resistance becomes high and the pin...

Plant moisture level monitor

Plant moisture level monitor
Description. Here is a simple circuit that will give a visual indication when the soil water level inside your flower pot goes low below a certain limit.The U1C and associated components are wired as an oscillator producing a 2KHz square wave. This square wave is given to one gate input of U1D via a variable potential divider former by R1 and R2.When the resistance across the probes A and B are...

Battery operated heater

Battery operated heater
Description. Here is a simple heater circuit that can be operated from a 12V battery. The first part of the circuit is an astable multivibrator build around the two transistors Q1 and Q2 .The ON time of transistor Q2 is set to 0.5 S. The ON time of transistor Q1 can be varied by using the POT R2.The output pulses at the collector of Q2 is used to drive the Darlington power transistor Q3(TIP122).The...

Electronic mosquito repeller

Electronic mosquito repeller
Description.Here is the circuit diagram of an ultrasonic mosquito repeller.The circuit is based on the theory that insects like mosquito can be repelled by using sound frequencies in the ultrasonic (above 20KHz) range.The circuit is nothing but a PLL IC CMOS 4047 wired as an oscillator working at 22KHz.A complementary symmetry amplifier consisting of four transistor is used to amplify the sound.The...

LED torch using MAX660

LED torch using MAX660
Description. This is a simple LED torch circuit based on IC MAX660 from MAXIM semiconductors. The MAX 660 is a CMOS type monolithic type voltage converter IC. The IC can easily drive three extra bright white LEDs.The LEDs are connected in parallel to the output pin 8 of the IC. The circuit has good battery life. The switch S1 can be a push to ON switch. Circuit diagram with Parts list.Notes.Assemble...

How to make a Rheostat

How to make a Rheostat
ComponentsThe components needed for the connection are Flashlight bulb and socket [1] Dry cell lantern battery/D-cell battery [2] Wire [About 15 to 17 inches and another one 2 inches] Spring [1] Wire Clippers [A pair] A typical spring can be obtained from a widow roll up. You can even get to buy one at a cheap rate. ProcedureConnect the two Dry cell lantern/D-cell batteries tail-to-tail, so that...

Water level Controller

Water level Controller
Water level controller circuit.Description. A simple but very reliable and effective water level controller circuit diagram is shown here. The circuit uses 6 transistors, 1 NE555 timer IC, a relay and few passive components. The circuit is completely automatic which starts the pump motor when the water level in the over head tank goes below a preset level and switchess OFF the pump when the water...

High voltage generator circuit

High voltage generator circuit
Description. First of all let me remind you that this circuit is a very dangerous one. The output voltage of this circuit is in Kilo volts and it can seriously injure you or kill you. Try this circuit only if you have enough experience dealing with high voltages. I have no responsibility on any hazards caused by the circuit. Be very careful. This is a humble request.The circuit given here has three...

QRP antenna tuner circuit

QRP antenna tuner circuit
Description. Low power ( 3 to 30 MHz)  transmitters constructed by hams are generally called QRP’s. For such transmitters a well tuned antenna is a must.If the impedance is not properly matched there will be a little or no output.But if properly matched there will be great results.A circuit for matching the antenna properly with the transmitter id given below.The output of the transmitter is...

CW Practice oscillator

CW Practice oscillator
Description.A circuit diagram that can be used for the generation of CW Morse code is shown here.This circuit can be very useful those who would like practice Ham Radio.The circuit is nothing but an astable multivibrator based on NE 555.The frequency of oscillations of the circuit depends on the components R1,R2 & C1.The circuit can be powered from a 9V PP3 battery.Circuit diagram with Parts...

Touch Switch Circuit

Touch Switch Circuit
Touch Switch Circuit using NE 555DescriptionThis is the circuit diagram of a small touch plate controller using IC NE 555 .This circuit is ideally useful for making touch operated doorbells, buzzers,toys etc which when touched on the touch plate operates the relay for a preset time and the turns off automatically.This circuit is realized by utilizing the high input...

UJT Organ circuit

UJT Organ circuit
Description.Here is the circuit diagram of a simple yet interesting mini organ based on UJT 2N 4891( Q1).You can produce the desired sound by pressing each pushbuttons.You have also the option to set each push button to produce the desired tune you want.The circuit is based on a UJT oscillator who’s frequency is determined by the Presets R6 to R13(one at a time) and capacitor C2.The transistor Q2...

Sense of Time tester circuit

Sense of Time tester circuit
Description. When S2 is ON ,the circuit here operates as an astable multi vibrator and the LED is lit for about o.1sec,flasing every 1.5 seconds.Since the human reaction time is more than this,you cannot catch it once it is seen o,by pressing S1.If your sense of time interval is good,and you press S1 with in that 0.1 sec,the discharging of C1 stops and then the lamp stays may change the...

Dancing light

Dancing light
Description. Here is a simple dancing light circuit based on NE555 (IC1) & CD4017 (IC2) .The IC1 is wired as an astable multivibrator to provide the clock pulses for the CD4017.For each clock pulse receiving at the clock input (pin14) of IC CD4017, the outputs Q0 to Q9 (refer pin diagram of CD 401) becomes high one by one alternatively.The LEDs connected to these pins glow in the same fashion...

Puff to OFF LED circuit.

Puff to OFF LED circuit.
Descrption.This is a simple circuit in which the glowing LED can be switched OFF just by a puff. A condenser mic (M1) is used to sense your puff. When the push button S1 is pressed, the transistors Q2 and Q3 wired as latching pair gets activated and drives the LED to glow. The LED remains in this condition. When you puff on the condenser mic, the sound pressure is converted into a voltage signal...

Electronic toss circuit

Electronic toss circuit
Description. The circuit given here can be used for tossing head or tail. There are many games in which a tossing is required to start and this circuit can be used in all such instances.The circuit uses two ICs NE 555 timer (IC1) and 74LS76 dual JK flip flop (IC2).The IC 1 is wired as an astable multi vibrator operating at 10Hz.The output of IC1 is inverted by using the transistor Q1.The collector...

Single chip metal detector circuit

Single chip metal detector circuit
Description. This is a simple single chip metal detector circuit based on IC CS209A from the Cherry Semiconductors. A 100uH coil is used to sense the presence of metal. The IC CS209A has a built in oscillator circuit and the coil L1 forms a part of its external LC circuit which determines the frequency of oscillation. The inductance of the coil change in the presence of metals and the resultant...

Canary chirp generator

Canary chirp generator
Description. This is a simple electronic alarm circuit that imitates the chirping of a canary. The circuit is nothing but a Hartley oscillator with few more passive components added. As the capacitor C1 charges through the resistor R1 and the transistor Q1 is driven to cut off. This makes the oscillations to stop. As the capacitor discharges through the Resistor R1 and base emitter junction of the...

Digital dice circuit

Digital dice circuit
Description. This is a simple and easy to construct digital dice circuit. The circuit is based on a single IC, CD4060B.The dice consists of six LEDs marked D1 to D6.The number of LEDs glowing indicates the numeral.The heart of this circuit is 14 stage binary ripple counter IC CD4060B.The IC also has a built-in oscillator. The oscillator output (here 2 KHz) is used to clock the binary ripple counter....

Whistle to beep circuit

Whistle to beep circuit
Description. This simple circuit produces a beeping sound that lasts for around 3 seconds whenever you make a whistle. The CMOS Hex inverter CD4049 is the heart of this circuit. Out of the six inverters in CD4049, U1a is wired as an audio amplifier which amplifies the signal picked up by the microphone M1.The U1b is wired as a band pass filter with center frequency around 2KHz.The filter is necessary...

Jet engine sound generator

Jet engine sound generator
Description. This jet engine sound generator circuit is based on the sound generator IC HT2844P from Holtek Semiconductors. This particular IC can make four sounds namely low speed sound of jet engine, high speed sound of jet engine, missile sound and machine gun sound. Each of these sounds can be activated by connecting the pins 12, 13, 14and 15 to ground by using the respective push button switches....

Voice modulator circuit

Voice modulator circuit
Description. This is a very versatile voice modulator circuit using IC HT8950A from Holtek Semiconductors. The IC is capable of creating 7 upward or downward steps on the frequency of the input voice at a rate of 8Hz. There is also two special variation effects namely Vibrato mode and Robot mode. This circuit finds a lot of application in systems like telephone, speech processors, toys, mixers etc....

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