In the centre of the South Pacific, there's a place as far away from land as anyone on Earth could ever hope to get. The ocean is different there.These distant waters lie at the heart of the South Pacific Gyre, the centre of which holds the 'oceanic pole of inaccessibility': the ocean's remotest extreme, aka Point Nemo (a name meaning 'no-one'), famous otherwise for being a spacecraft...
There's a 'Desert' in The Middle of The Pacific. Here's What Lives There
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 10:04:00 PM
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[TC] Physicists just built the world's smallest optical switch - based on a single atom
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:48:00 AM
with 13 comments

As our need for more data and faster transmissions grows, existing network infrastructure is being put under more strain than ever before. As a result, scientists are working hard to miniaturise these systems and switch from current electron-based computers to super-fast optics-based communications, where data is quite literally sent at the speed of light.
Now scientists working at ETH Zurich...
Analog Circuits,
Atom Size,
Automotive Circuits,
Science Alert,
Analog Circuits,
Atom Size,
Automotive Circuits,
Science Alert,
[TC] Frequency counter using arduino
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 7:56:00 PM
with 9 comments

Many guys here were asking for a frequency counter and at last I got enough time to make one. This frequency counter using arduino is based on the UNO version and can count up to 40KHz. A 16×2 LCD display is used for displaying the frequency count. The circuit has minimum external components and directly counts the frequency. Any way the amplitude of the input frequency must not be greater...
Assembly Languange,
Counter Circuits,
[TC] Heart rate monitor using 8051
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 8:46:00 PM
with 7 comments

This article is about a simple heart rate monitor using 8051 microcontroller. Like the previous 8051 projects, AT89S51 is the microcontroller used here. The device senses the heart rate from the finger tip using IR reflection method and displays it on a three digit seven segment display in beats per minute. The circuit has an accuracy of 4 beats per minute and it is very easy to use. In medical...
5 Microcontroller Based Projects You Must Not Miss!
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 6:11:00 PM
with 14 comments

Looking for a microcontroller based project? From our collection of microcontroller based projects, we bring to you 5 super cool projects. Have fun!
1. Microcontroller-Based Tachometer
A tachometer is nothing but a simple electronic digital transducer. Normally, it is used for measuring the speed of a rotating shaft. The number of revolutions per minute (rpm) is valuable information...
Registered "" For Our Blog
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 11:47:00 AM
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Finally after long patience we purchased Web Domain
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Stay Tuned.
Thanking You For Your Huge Support.
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(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];...
$20 Robot From MIT Wins AFRON Design Challenge Made From Arduino Board
Posted by Jayesh Yewale
Posted on 9:45:00 PM
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Robots, as anyone who has ever attempted to build or buy or fix a robot knows, tend to be expensive. This presents a problem for people who want to start learning about robotics, because getting a foot in the door with an actual robot to work on generally involves a substantial up-front investment in hardware. And for places where teachers and students don't have huge piles of money to...
Radio Transmitters,
Robot Cars,